Veterinary patents in the 19th century in France

par Virginie Arzul, Docteur vétérinaire, Adel.

Communication présentée le 15 octobre 2005

This study is based on research carried out at the INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) in Paris and the analysis of the patents relating to the veterinary profession during the 19th century. The author made a global analysis prior to undertaking a study according to topic, such as shoeing, gastric and oesophageal ailments, reproduction, remedies and administration of remedies, care and surgical instruments/accessories. In spite of the small quantity of patent found (71), this study confirms the veterinary practices of the time and indicates in particular that the veterinary inventions did not appear to require formal legal protection.éd.sci.vét., 2005, 4, 119-130