Une collection se définit par le fait qu’elle n’est pas ouverte au public mais sert à l’enseignement, à la passion d’un collectionneur, aux besoins d’une institution…
Name: Historical collection of the Australian Veterinary Association
Founded in 1972
Address: AVA House, 7 Phipps Place, Deakin ACT 2600. Tel. +063-863252
Curator: Dr. R. Taylor. “Weirview”. Harden, New South Wales 2587
Access: On request
Collection: Equipment, instruments (ca. 100), photographs (ca. 350), prined materials (ca. 450), archival records, a catalogue of Australian prominent veterinarians.
Name: Museum für Hufbeschlag und Veterinär Orthopädie und für Beschirrungs- und Sattelungslehre, Pflege und Wartung der Haustiere
Founded in 1767
Address: Veterinärmedizinische Universität. Josef Baumanngasse 1. A-1210 Vienna. Tel.
+43-1-250775590; e-mail:
Curator: Prof.Dr. Chr. Stanek
Access: On request
Collections: Instruments (200), horseshoes for sound and diseased hooves, saddles, harnesses, bridles, whips, books (500), photographs (1000), paintings.
Name: Musée de la Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège
Founded: 1996
Address: Boulevard de Colonster B 43, Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liège. Tel.: +32-43664075
Curator: Prof. R. Halleux, Dr. G. Mees, Mr. F. Cougnouil
Access: On request
Collections: Instruments, pathological specimens
Name: The Horse Museum
Founded in 1984 by Dr. Racho Rachev
Address: c/o Agricultural Research asnd Production Complex “Cabiuk”
Curator: Liubeka Lovcheva
Access: On request
Collections: 2200 photographs and 800 other items showing the history of the horse in old times and, especially, during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-8; philately, numismatics, farriery, sports, military veterinary medicine.
Name: National Agricultural Museum, Veterinary section
Founded in 1974 by Dr. Nikolai Iliev
Address: c/o Bulgarian Agricultural Academy
Curator: Dr. Nikola Alexiev
Access: on request
Collections: 2300 items illustrating the development of veterinary medicine in Bulgaria in general
1. Name: Museum of Thracian Horse Breeding
Founded in 1965 by Prof. Rangel Karaivanov
Address: c/o Thracian University. Sudents Campus. 6000 Stara Zagora
Curator: Prof. Georgi Bursev
Access: On request
Collections: Equestrian apparel and carriages from the former royal court; items illustrating the
development of horsebreeding in Thracia
2. Name: Museum of Higher Veterinary Education in Bulgaria
Founded in 1993 by Dr. Tonka Ivanova
Address: c/o Thracian University. Students Campus. 6000 Stara Zagora. Tel.: +359-2801-2134; e-mail:
Curator: Dr. Tonka Ivanova
Access: Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
Collections: Items, illustrating the history of veterinary education in Bulgaria
Name: Veterinary Museum
Founded in 1978 by Todor Stamatov
Address: c/o District Veterinary Station. Sofronii Vratchansky 19. 9001 Varna. Tel.: +359-52-222079
Curator: Dr. Peter Zurliiski
Access: Monday to Friday 9am-1pm
Collections: Items showing the development of the main areas of veterinary sctivity in Bulgaria
Name: Ontario Veterinary College Museum, University of Guelph
Founded in 1970 by Dr. C.A.V. Barker
Address: c/o Ontario Veterinary College. Box 371. NIG 2W1 Guelph, Ontario. Tel.: +519-824-4120
Curator: Dr. C.A.V. Barker
Access: on request
Collections: Instruments (ca. 3000), photographs (ca. 1000), books (300), textiles (50), examples of various medicines (50)
Name: Museum of Veterinary History
Founded in 1979 by Prof. Dr. Stjepan Rapic and Prof. Dr. Vesna Vucevac-Bajt
Address: c/o Veterinarski Fakultet. Heinzelova 55. HR-10000 Zagreb. Tel.: +385-1-2390-111
Curator: Prof. Dr. Vesna Vucevac-Bajt
Access: Monday to Friday 9am-2pm
Collections: Instruments (100), horseshoes (20), books (110), journals, diplomas, medals, plquettes and other documents in connection with the veterinary profession as from 1861; similar materials related to the foundation and activities of the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb.
Name: Echinococcosis/Hydatosis Museum
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Kyriakos Polydorou
Address: c/o Department of Veterinary Services. P.O. Box 284. Nicosia.
Curator: Dr. Kyriakos Polydorou
Access: On request
Collections: Historical and other information regarding the anti-echinococcosis campaign in Cyprus 1971-1985; 50 instruments, 300 photographs, 50 posters, 200 graphs.
Museum of Veterinary History
Founded in 1964 by Evzen Novotny and Rudoph Böhm
Address: c/o University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Palackeho 1-3. CZ-61242 Brno.
Tel.: +420-5-41-562532
Curator: Prof.Dr. Jiri Sindlar
Access: On request
Collections: several thousand items: instruments, objects of art, films, printed materials, filed documents.
The Veterinary Museum
Founded in 1973 by Prof. Dr. J.G. Espersen
Address: c/o The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. Bülowsvej 13. DK-1870 Frederiksberg
C. Tel.: +45-35-28 21 49
Curator: Dr. Ivan Katic
Access: Monday to Friday 11am-2pm
Collections: ca. 9000 items, divided in sections and subsections devoted to surgery, farriery, obstetrics and artificial insemination, radiology, bacteriology, pharmacy, meat and milk inspection. Books, manuscripts, furniture, textiles.
Publications: Meddelelser fra Veterinærhistorisk Museum, nr. 1-16. J.G. Espersen. Danske
dyrlægeinstrumenter gennem 200 år, 1773-1973. [Danish veterinary instruments during 200 years,1773-1973]. Kopenhagen, 1981. 452 p., 241 ills.
H.C. Staugaard. The Veterinary Medicine Museum established in 1973 at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen. Historia Medicinae Veterinariae, 24(3) 73-79, 1999.
Name: Musée du Châtillonais-Cratère de Vix, Section Vétérinaire
Founded in 1880 (“Section Vétérinaire” in 1997)
Address: Place de la Résistance, BP 52. 21401 Châtillon-sur-Seine (Côte d’Or). Tel.: +33-3-80 912467
Curator: Félicie Fougère
Access: On request
Collections: 3000 instruments, 1000 old pharmaceutical products, 1300 printed volumes, illustrating the practice of veterinary medicine in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
Publication: Alain Théry. Bientôt un musée vétérinaire à Châtillon (Côte d’Or). La Semaine Vétérinaire, no. 848, p. 44, 15 mars 1997.
Name: Veterinärmedizinhistorisches Museum der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover
Founded in 1973 by Prof.Dr. E.-H. Lochmann
Address: c/o Tierärztliche Hochschule. Bischofsholer Damm 15 (Haus 120). D-30173 Hannover. Tel.:
Curator: Prof. Dr. J. Schäffer
Access: Tuesday to Thursday 10am-4pm
Collections: this consists of about 6500 objects. On display are about 600 items, illustrating the history
of the school (established in 1778) and of veterinary diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. A separate
section is devoted to veterinary military medicine (the ‘Wens collection’).
Publication: J. Schäffer. Das Veterinärmedizinhistorisches Museum der Tierärztlichen Hochschule
Hannover – Geschichte, Konzeption, Aufgaben und Problemen.Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift,
101(8), 326-330, 1994.
Name: Agricultural Museum/Muséum Agricole/Bauernmuseum
Founded in 1999
Address: 38, rue de Crauthem. 3390 Peppingen. Luxemburg.
Access: On Thuesday-Sunday from Whitsunday/Pentecôte/Pfingsten till 30 September.
Collections: Section 16 contains the Collection Georges Theves: veterinary instruments and
illustrations, plus overview of veterinary history of Luxemburg.
Publication: Veterinärhistorische Ausstellung im Bauernmuseum in Peppingen (Großherzogtum
Luxemburg). Historia Medicinae Veterinariae, 25(1-3), 33-34, 2000.
Name: Veterinary History Museum
Founded in 1976
Address: c/o Veterinary University. u.Istvan 2. H-1078 Budapest.
Tel.: +36-1-322-0849. e-mail:
Curator: Dr. Angela Drobinoha
Access: Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6pm; Friday 9am-3pm
Collections: several thousand items, of which 700-800 are exhibited. The oldest instrument is from the
16th century.
Publication: Mary Cserey. Collection of veterinary history (Museum). Historia Medicinae Veterinariae,
24(2), 38-46, 1999.
Name: Il Museo di Anatomia degli Animali Domestici dell’ Università di Bologna
Founded in 1882
Address: Via Belmeloro. I-40126 Bologna
Curator: E. Callegari
Access: On request
Collections: ca. 1700 anatomical preparations
Publication: A. Vegetti. Il museo di anatomia normale veterinaria dell’ Università di Bologna. Obiettivi
e documenti veterinari, 9(9), 33-35, 1988.
Name: Ercolani Museum dell’ Università di Bologna
Founded in 1807 by Germano Azzoguidi
Address: Via Tolara di Sopra 50. I-40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO). Tel.: +39-51-792000
Curator: Sergio Biavati
Access: Tuesdays 9-12am
Collections: 5200 items, drawings, pathological specimens and 320 wax and plaster models made by
Cesare Bettini
Publication: S. Biavati. Il museo Ercolani. Obiettivi e documenti veterinari, 10(1), 42-43, 1989.
Name: Museo di Dipartimento di Morfofisiologia Veterinaria
Founded in 1884 by Prof. Eduardo Perroncito
Address: Via Nizza 52. I-10126 Torino. Tel.: +39-11-6699853
Curator: Prof.Dr. Marco Galloni
Access: Temporary under reconstruction
Collections: Apiculture and sericulture
Publication: M.Galloni e M. Julini. I musei del professor Perroncito. Obiettivi e documenti
veterinari,9(11), 33-34, 1988.
Name: Equine Museum of Japan
Founded in 1976
Address: 1-3 Negishi-dai. Naka-ku, Yokohama 231 Kanagawa. Tel.: +81-45-662-7581
Curator: Nobuo Imamura
Access: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-4pm
Collections: Exhibits on the following horse-related themes: evolution, the dawn of equine culture in
Japan, horse breeds, man and the horse in tradition, horse racing, riding techniques.
Name: Museum for Animal Husbandry and Artificial Insemination
Founded in 1999 by a foundation with a board of seven members, each representing a party with
interest in the aims of the museum: conservation and exhibition of documents and instruments related
to the history of animal breeding
Address: Dr. Moonsweg 5. 5437 BG Beers (North-Brabant). Tel. +31-485-330241
Access: Wednesday 10am-16pm and for groups by appointment
Collections: ca. 3000 objects, instruments, paintings, documents, herdbooks, illustrating the breeding of
domestic animals and the breeds of domestic animals kept in The Netherlands, the control of milk
production, artificial insemination and embryo transplantation.
Publications: a folder (in Dutch) is avaiable.
Name: Museum Diergeneeskunde
Founded in 1954 by the University together with the Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association and The
University Museum
Address: c/o Faculteit der Diergeneeskunde. Yalelaan 1. Postbox 80150. NL-8308 TD Utrecht. Tel.
Curator: A.P. Wijgergangs
Access: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Collections: ca. 3000 instruments, ca. 1500 horseshoes, pharmacy cabinets, documents, textiles,
photographs and objects related to meat inspection
Publications: A.P. Wijgergangs. Backgrounds to the Veterinary Museum in Utrecht. Argos, nr. 8,
259-261, 1993. Illustrated guidebook (in Dutch with English summary) available.
Name: Norwegian Veterinary History Museum
Founded in 1969 by Prof. C.S. Aaser
Address: c/o Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine. Ullevålsveien 72. P.O. Box 8146. N-0033
Oslo. Tel. +47-22-964500
Curator: Prof. Dr. Arne Frøslie
Access: Tuesdays 11am-1pm
Collections: ca. 2000 veterinary instruments, photographs, diplomas, books, original furniture from a
veterinarian’s office and specimens of ethnoveterinary medicine.
Name: Norwegian Museum of Artificial Insemination
Founded in 1993
Address: Store Ree A.I.Station, N-2301 Stange. Tel.: +47-62-571922
Curator: Tørud Even (Norwegian Cattle Association, PO Box 4123. N-2301 Hamar. Tel.
Access: On request
Collections: 175 exhibits showing all aspects of artificial insemination since its beginning in Norway in
Name: Muzeum Weterynarii przy Muzeum Rolnictwa [The Veterinary Museum of the Museum of
Founded in 1982
Address: ul. Pallacowa 5, PL-18-230 Ciechanowiec. Tel.: +48-86 771328
Curator: Grzegorz Jakubik
Access: Monday to Saturday 9am-4pm (May to October also Sundays 9am-6pm)
Collections: 3300 exhibits, presented in 17 divisions, ethoveterinary medicine, farriery, military
veterinary medicine, prominent veterinary persons, veterinary congresses, medals, paintings etc.
Publication: J. Tropilo und T. Frymus. Das Museum für Veterinärmedizin in Ciechanowiec. Deutsche
tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 95(10), 464-465, 1988.
Name: Theiler Memorial Museum
Founded in 1983
Address: Private Bag X05. Onderstepoort 0110. Tel.: +27-12-5299446
Curator: Mrs. Susan Brett
Access: On request
Collections: 1180 instruments, 100 books, 60 photographs, certificates, medals, furniture, personal
items of Sir Arnold Theiler and other early scientists.
Name: Museo y Archivo del Cuerpo de Veterinaria Militar
Founded in 1942
Adress: c/ Dario Gazapo 3, 28024 Madrid. Tel.: +34-1-7111306 , +34-1-5091000 extension 2205
Fax:+34-1-7110192 E-mail:
Curator: Colonel Luis Angel Moreno Fern�dez Caparr�
Access: On request
Collections: Objects illustrating the Spanish veterinary military history: equipment from the 18th and
19th century, portable laboratories for food and microbiological analysis, farriery instruments,
uniforms, historical documents, publications of the Veterinary Military Corps.Also surgical instrument
of national trademark,instruments of artificial insimination.Models.Flags and banners.Vets heroes of
Annual Battle(Morocco) in 1921.Videos.
Name: Veterinärhistoriska Museet
Founded in 1975
Address: c/o Veterinärinrättningen. P.O. Box 234. SE-53223 Skara. Tel.: +46-511-67247
Curator: Nils-Olov Hellgren
Access: 12am-4pm (in June and August only on Saturday and Sunday; in July open daily)
Collections: ca. 8000 instruments, ca. 11000 photographs and pictures, ca. 400 textiles, 9 herbariums
from 1750-1880, medicines, horseshoes, harnesses, archives, printed documents.
Publications: I. Dyrendahl. The Museum of Veterinary History, Skara. Aguide for visitors. Skara, 1989.
32 pp. (Meddelande.Nr. 17E).
Name: Exhibit of Swiss Army Equine Hospital
Founded in 1992
Address: c/o Large Animal Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Länggassstrasse 124. CH-3001
Bern. Tel.: +41-31-6312243; e-mail:
Curator: Prof.Dr. Urs Schatzmann
Access: Monday to Friday 8-12am, 2-6pm
Collections: Equipment of a Swiss Army Equine Clinic, 1910-1930.
Name: Veterinary Museum
Founded in 1974 by Prof.Dr. Ferruh Dinçer
Address: c/o Department of History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Ankara University. 06110 Diskapi, Ankara. Tel.: +90-312-3186376
Curator: Prof. Dr. Ferruh Dinçer
Access: 9-12am and 14-17pm
Collections: Surgical instruments, pharmacy (medicines and cabinets), objects illustrating the history of
bacteriology and parasitology, pictures, paintings and photographs, manuscripts from the 15th-18th
century, textiles, archives and printed materials.
Name: The Veterinary Museum
Founded in 1992
Address: c/o The Royal Veterinary College. Royal College Street. London NW1 0TU. Tel.: +44-171
Curators: Linda Warden (e-mail: uk) and Jane Pridmore (e-mail:
Access: On request
Collections: Instruments, pictures, manuscripts on the history of veterinary medicine in the United
Name: Dr. W.A. Heck Veterinary Infirmary
Founded in 1969
Address: 2600 N.W. 11th Street. Des Moines, IA 50322. Tel.: +1-515-278-5286
Curators: Jone van Vleet and Mike Whitmer
Access: Monday to Saturday, 9am-5pm; Sunday 11am-6pm (only from May till mid-October)
Collection: a veterinary clinic from about 1900 with stable, furniture, pharmacy, with instruments,
textiles, books and photographs.
Name: National Museum of Veterinary Medicine
Founded in 1971
Address: P.O. Box 1798. Fort Dodge IA 50501
Curator: David Parker
Access: On request
Collections: Instruments and other equipment, also from the military veterinary service, authentic
furniture, books, horseshoes, labelled medicine bottles.
Name: Veterinary Corps. Museum & Archives
Address: 5462 N. University Drive . Lauderhill, FL 33351-5006 USA .
phone: +1-954-749-0551. fax: +1-954-749-5462. e-mail:
Curator: John N. Case Jr.
Access: On request
Collections: documents and artefacts in the field of military veterinary medicine, not limited to the
Name: Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Museum
Founded in 1975
Address: c/o Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. 1221 Jefferson Street. Jefferson City MO
65109. Tel.: +1-573-636-8612
Curator: Wanda Utermoehlen
Access: Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm
Collections: 3000 items; 1500 on display (instruments, books, diaries, photographs, video-tapes).
Name: Montana Veterinary Medical Association Collection
Address: 225 North Roberts Street. Helena MT 59620. Tel.: +1-406-444-4719
Curator: Janet Sperry
Access: On request
Collections: 733 items (instruments, books, photographs, furniture, early homeopathic remedies)
Name Wisconson Veterinary Medical Association Museum
Founded in 1977
Address: c/o Galloway House and Village. P.O. Box 1284. Tel.: +1-414-922-6390
Curator: Dr. Fred Born
Access: On request
Collections: restored veterinary office with a historical collection of 200 instruments and 100 books.