Traditions of freshmen integration into the Alfort Veterinary School

By Vincent Mauffre et Nicolas Poly, docteurs vétérinaires
Communication présentée le 24 mai 2008

“ bizutage ” tradition have always been intensely disputed in the French society. Probably as old as the Alfort Veterinary School itself, “brimades” have accompanied the integration of new students for more than two centuries. However, to date, nobody was really interested in this important stage in the life of the Alfort’s community. Today, memories of those who participated personally in these traditions are the only source of information. We therefore carried out a true work of history, collecting more than 300 written or oral accounts about these traditions from veterinarians who graduated since 1932. This work is an historical and social review of the evolution of the French “bizutage”, in fact and in mentality. It is a key to understand how these practices, which became an anachronism, were allowed to persist until 2005 in the name of the “ tradition ”.

Bull.Soc.Hist.Méd.Sci.Vét., 2008, 8 : 89-109