The life of an anatomist, inventory after Honoré Fragonard’s death (1732-1799)
Christophe DEGUEURCE
Professeur, conservateur du musée Fragonard
École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort, 7 av. du général de Gaulle, 94700 Maisons-Alfort
Honoré Fragonard (1732-1799) is one of the rare anatomists who was renowned for the quality of his preparations and not for his writings. Famous throughout Europe for his art of injections, little of him was known until now. This article transcribes the inventory drawn up after his death, a major source of interest containing details of his collections and their financial evaluation by a competent personality, Auguste Thillaye. After all, this inventory matches the description of Honoré Fragonard by Michel Augustin Thouret. A selfless man, whose apartment has no luxury except for his collection of anatomical preparations, his library and his samples of therapeutic drugs.
Ref. :éd.sci.vét., 2015, 15 : 121-153